TEL 0845 0568744

> How your Elements Consultant works with you

Find out why personality styles are important and how the DISC system works...
> Our Objective, Values and Mission
Why DISC profiling is an essential management tool for business success
> The 'Elements' Metaphor for Business Success
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How to become certified in Behavioural Consultancy via our courses & workshops...
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How we work with you

Elements Consulting works with you to create an environment where motivation is high and relationships are harmonious - where enthusiasm is channeled and every individual is focused on the goals of the organisation.

Your Elements Consultant will...

Meet you to identify and understand your company's requirements.
Produce an individual 12 page personality profile for each employee.
Give profile feedback to line managers highlighting possible conflict with certain styles.
Highlight individual motivation indicators.
Meet with team members who are experiencing behavioural conflict within the team.
Meet with team members who are currently underperforming within their role or where stress is indicated in the profile.
Conduct a DISC team session to develop a common language of open communication between team members, highlighting each other's strengths and value to the team.
Work with managers and HR on recruitment days by profiling potential applicants and compiling relevant interview questions based on strengths and weakness' indicated by the profile.
Advise on the likely leadership style of employees being considered for promotion.
Train and work with managers to read and interpret profile graphs for use as a non-confrontational feedback/appraisal tool.
Manage change by identifying the likely reaction of each style.

Our Objective:

To make a positive and lasting difference to every individual and organisation
we work with.

Our Values:

Elements consulting is a values-led organisation. We conduct our business relationships in accordance with the shared values of respect, honesty, trust, integrity, unconditional support and unparalleled professionalism.

It is our Mission to:

Honour every promise
Deliver outstanding personal service
Support our clients in achieving their personal and organisational goals
Inspire individuals to adopt new and effective methods of communication
Create a feeling of community within our team

The Elements Metaphor for Business Success

All four elements are vital to maintain balance for life on earth. The elements are a metaphor for demonstrating how we can achieve balance in our lives and in the workplace.

How to become certified in Behavioural Analysis >

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To contact us please telephone 0845 0568744
Elements Consulting, c/o The Coaching Academy, Hill House, 2 Heron Square, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1EP